Sunday, 16 October 2011

Is Your Marriage In Crisis? - Now Is Not The Time To Give Up.

I guess that if you are reading this article, then you are going through a rough time in your marriage. My heart goes out to you as I know only too well what it is like to be in this position. Having a marriage in crisis, does not mean the end of your marriage.

What I have learnt in my life is that no matter what situation you are in, the sun will rise again tomorrow and a new day can always bring hope. You might not think that that is possible at the moment, but let me assure you that there is always hope, particularly, with the right help.

I am about to celebrate 40 years of marriage. This is an achievement that I am particularly proud of as I consider my happy marriage to be the most important aspect of my life. Everything that is good in my life stems from my happy marriage. My wife, my children and now my grandchildren mean the world to me and I could not imagine my life without these special people in it.

You might think that my marriage is blissful and that I am an exception in this day and age of marriage breakdowns and divorce. Let me tell you that my life could have been much different to what it is today if I had not learned how to overcome the difficult times in my marriage and yes, there have been difficult times.

Looking back, I can suggest these tips to anyone with a marriage in crisis to help them get their lives and marriage back on track.

  • There is no shame in admitting that there is a problem in your marriage. To begin the recovery process, you first need to admit that you need help.
  • Stop the blame game - There are always two sides to a story, but if you are to move forward you need to work on the positives in your marriage rather than continuing to focus on what the other person did wrong and not letting go of these issues.
  • Identify the issues in your marriage that cause each of you concern.
  • Work towards putting a plan in place to overcome these issues. There will need to be some give and take on both sides here but if you can achieve a satisfactory outcome that each of you can agree to then you are well on your way to getting your marriage back on track.
  • Learn to start loving each other again by rekindling the romance that you once had.
  • Seek independent support to help you achieve your goals if you hit some barriers in the making up stage.
Luckily, my wife and I were able to work through our difficult times and I can tell you that today I love and admire my wife more than ever. She is a wonderful person and I am so lucky to have her beside me today. I cannot begin to imagine what my life would be like today if we had not learned the art of making up.

There is an online product available which is ideal for any couple going through difficult times. In fact, over 50,000 couples have used this program to help them resolve their relationship issues. If  you have a Marriage in Crisis, and would like a helping hand to get your life back on track, then you should Click Here!

Trying to make a marriage work when it is well and truly off the track is not an easy task and if this is you, I feel for you and can only hope and pray that you find the answers to your problems and get your life sorted out. My greatest wish for you is that you can enjoy the same happiness in your marriage that I have enjoyed in my 40 years.

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